The next CA RSOL meeting in Los Angeles will take place on February 8th at 10 am, at the usual location – the ACLU building at 1313 W. 8th Street in Los Angeles.
Registrants, family and friends, supporters and professionals are welcome to attend. Media and Government officials are not invited in order to ensure everyone’s privacy. We will discuss current topics, changes in the laws as well as pending litigation and advocacy strategies.
Please join us on February 8th – Show up, Stand up, Speak up!
Thanks to the assistance of someone here, we have decided to migrate to southern California. I have notified my local agency and will arrive in about 4 days. We spend a half grand today preparing the RV for the long haul. We didn’t get a chance to finish cleaning the outside or finish painting the trailer.. but hey, at lease we should be able to attend the California RSOL meeting(s).
Didn’t know there would be one on the 8th in Los Angeles. We can try and make that one as well. We are gathering leads on locations beyond San Diego to stay. If anyone has a lead on a place we can park an RV so we can stay in the San Diego area, please let me know via my email,
This will be my first CA RSOL meeting. Maybe two, back to back. I have already notified my local agency. It’s a done deal.
We want to attend our 2nd meeting on Saturday, but I can’t seem to get a definite answer if my boyfriend is allowed to go. He is currently on probation in Orange County with an ankle bracelet. He has the generic standard stipulations. He can’t leave the State, but he can go to other counties. He is not supposed to associate with other felons, I guess. So, is there a reason he should not be allowed to go? This is really important for both of us, but I don’t want to risk ANY probation violation. Thanks, and hope to see some of you on the 8th in LA.
I think that should be challenged on first ammendment grounds (freedom of speech and peaceable assembly).
I think they mean to say, “identify with felons”
1 : to be or become the same,
instead of “associate with felons”
1 : to come or be together as partners, friends, or companions. (Merriam Online Dictionary).
Prison is one big association of felons he doesn’t want to end up in by misinterpreting the mangled English language called conditions of probation. They don’t really know what it means, either, but I think he should ask his PO to be safe.
As usual, I thought of this too late. It costs me $60 in gas to get there. Too much to pay to get information. But I can hold 5 people in my vehicle. If we had a carpool, that would mean $12 each. I will just send $20 to the cause, which is probably a better way to support the cause.